- ECO friendly product. (No harmful chemicals, Colors collected from natural flowers and leaf’s)
- Built in unit (Since 1997) product used by around 18 countries.
- Dust resist* & Fire resist*.
- Sound Isolation technology.
- Vary the climate up to 5 degrees Celsius based on the weather condition.
- Cracks will be held by our material up to 0.5 mm.
- Complete interior product. (Not referred to kitchen and bath rooms)
- Re-Usable product(20 to 40%* remained product need to be added)
- DIY (Do It Yourself) Easy to repair – No Patch work will be appeared.
- Monopoly (Unique product) in the market.
- Our product is most affordable. (Economy mode)
- Mix with Soft water while applying*.
- Need to maintain white background for the best result.
Note:- Wall Coverage approx 50 sq.ft* Per Bag depends upon wall.
No Returns after 1 week and Non Refundable.
If Pack is open Product is non-Returnable.